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Monday, October 3, 2011

New Project: Breakfast

Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah datang dalam pelbagai cara. God is fair. Rezeki doesn't mean come from monetary form tapi juga cabang-cabang perniagaan. I always remember this quote: 'Perniagaan itu Ibadah'. Yesterday morning, I had an 'offer' from the kakak yang jual breakfast kat Sunway Kayangan to provide any kuih-muih in the morning. I see it as an opportunity for me to earn more pocket money (well... Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit). Also, to full-fill my time at home... Yelah ramai dok ingat I'm a Woman-of-leisure sebab tak kerja pun boleh pakai macam-macam. Hmmm mulut orang takleh nak tutup. They don't know if I have a Million Dollars in my bank account ke, I married to Multi Billionaire ke, inherit harta pusaka datuk nenek macam Paris Hilton ke... Hehehehe I wish! Sebab I never show who I really am and whatever you see is not always what you get! Anyhow, am grateful to have a good family and a super great husband! Alhamdulillah, syukur Ya Allah!

OK, menceceh macam mak nenek pulak. This morning I made Chicken Deli Sandwiches and Chicken Cocktail + Crab Ball. Kakak tu kata bahan-bahan dalam sandwich I tu mewah. Adoi kak... Kalau tak, orang makan tak puas. INGAT! Berniaga itukan Ibadah? Takmolah cincai-cincai... Malam kang nak kena pi Tesco beli sandwich box. Semalam lupa beli. Here's the pic. Sorrylah tak clear sebab sibuk nak prepare yang lain pulak.

TODAY: 5 years after Ibu passed away... Al-Fatihah untuk Ibu, you'll always be missed and loved!

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