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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

20112011 A lil' unprofessional touch for my bro's engagement...

Am in-charge of hantaran buah and chocolate! ;-p 
Time to show some skills. Bolehlah buat sikit-sikit tapi tak boleh nak expect macam professional touch lah coz' saya budak-baru-belajar... Hmmm in fact tak belajar pun, main bega-bega aje... ;-)
Oh this is my hantaran buah tahun 2003 -  Green bouquet concept namun fruits tetap nak merah! 
Ni kira inspired by my hantaran lah for my brother...
I love red all my life!
Walaupun theme nya gold, tetap jugak nak letak touch of red - check out the lady bug chocolate!
Cak! mata lady bug yang cute!