You're FABULOUS no:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Diwali 2011

Cuti! No specific plans but maybe will be out later scouting for the boys Superheroes bed-sheet and curtain. Designing my anak bujang's room mode activated! Prepared light breakfast. Ali Tea for daddy, Milo Fuzz for the boys. Roti Massimo Wheat Germ with Marks & Spencer chocolate hazelnut spread for them... And as for me, hmmmm malas nak bancuh-bancuh drink. Later minum ayaq kosong cukuplah.
Grab this for my breakfast. Jadilaaa... 

Monday, October 24, 2011

I Love My Babies To Infinity & Beyond!

Yay! Esok public holiday!!! Can wake up late tomorrow! Means tonight I can continue some of the unfinished work, watch Top Model Hot Picks and sleep late. Managed to complete 80 pieces of the barakah so far... Kira 40 pieces a day la. Lagi 3-4 hari siap semua... At least I can concentrate on other event preparations pulak lepas ni. Watched Oprah Farewell Season  - the episode was about a mother who has cancer tapped hundreds of messages for her daughter before she died. That lady really inspired me! I don't think I'm capable to do something like that! She's like recording her message every day for 5 years! (Check-out the clip in YouTube - Probably this blog can substitute the tape if I'm no longer around in this world... At least my 2 babies know their mummy's effort to provide and manage what best for the family. Tengah syok-syok tengok Oprah sambil kesat air mata, Amil came to me and handed me a letter. A very meaningful letter indeed! I seriously shed my tears this time. Dang! I'm so sentimental when it comes to family especially my babies! 
It says...
"I love you daddy.
I love you mummy.

Daddy you olweys (always) bort (bought) me toys.
Mummy you olweys (always) cocing (cooking) for me.
Thank you mummy and daddy."

*Forget about the spelling and grammar. Who cares? They're suppose to have fun and make mistakes at this age. Not to be perfect and know everything. I love my boys so much!!! They're for sure the most precious gifts I've ever have in life...
Hafta find a big box to store the butterflies...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rerama Chenta...

Sunny Sunday morning! Rupanya hujan di petang hari... Ewah! Pagi-pagi lagi dah busy with Anwar-si-pemotong-rumput and then was out for the whole day. Hajat dihati nak ke Mont Kiara cari evening dress for the upcoming events tapi ter'lencong' ke Citta Mall for lunch. Errr... Brunch actually as we skipped our breakfast this morning. Gara-gara busy tengok Anwar-si-pemotong-rumput buat kerja (alasan aje, sebenarnya malas nak prepare!) After the brunch, tersasar pulak ke Nilai 3 to find my lil' sister in-law's barakah for her Nikah Night - sebenarnya boleh je pergi yang kat Klang tapi tak best sebab dekat sangat! Arrived Nilai 3 about 3pm. Went shopping alone while the boys and hub took a nice nap in the car with full blast air-condition. Yeah... I walked a mile under the sizzling hot sun - alone! But I kinda prefer that way though. Kalau jalan ramai-ramai lagi susah nak cari barang... Really had no idea what to find at first. Was figuring out what the bride-to-be's favourite stuff and I remember that she obsessed with butterflies and I stick to that idea... Thank God semua kedai I went in, bagi layanan yang sangat bagus - ada satu kedai sampai 5 orang dok melayan. The only challenge was the kedai yang jual butterflies tu. The pakcik sekejap bagi murah pastu changed his mind bagi mahal balik. Siap claimed the butterflies made by the OKUs. Kesian pulak mendengarnya tapi tadi pakcik dah janji kan nak kasi harga yang ini (sambil tunjuk kat calculator)... After some bodeking and puji pakcik tu handsome, he finally agreed with my price - 45% discount! Allah aje yang boleh balas jasa pakcik handsome tu! ;-p Reached home about 6pm. Prepared light dinner, did some revision with the boys, took shower, start potong ribbon and gam-menggam. As usual, I always have problem with my new gadget - the glue gun this time around. Dia tembak at my finger instead of the ribbon. Agaknye dia tak dapat bezakan antara jari dengan kain. Kesian... Anyway, we get along really well after that. Biasalah tak kenal maka tak cinta! Hehehehe...
These are the 'bahan-bahan mentah' yang masih belum di buka... 
Dah unwrap sebahagian...
Nasib baik she loves butterflies. Kalau ulat bulu ke, lipan ke, tikus ke, kan ke jenuh nak cari!?
The butterflies... Ada 3 colors: Baby Pink, Magenta and Purple. Kalau ada blue color lagi 'naik'
Butterflies yang masih 'bertangkai'
Yang ni free gift! Beli rama-rama dapat dia...
Antara yang dah siap... 110 more to go!
I'm actually not a big fan of English flowers printed tapi in this scenario, the symbolic is rama-rama tengah hisap madu bunga laaa konon...
I also don't fancy love shape. Tapi the combination of love, butterflies and ribbon  macam sepadan.... 
Ribbon tu selain dari taknak kasi container tu nampak kosong (and I don't want it to look crowded either), it means ikatan kasih/ cinta antara dua hati... Chewah! Jiwang dimalam2 hari ni! *Part nak gam ribbon ni paling leceh!*
Really hope the bride-to-be loves this idea...

Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm soooo proud!

Bangga! Bangga! Sampai kembang hidung sebab terlalu bangga! Hehehehehe one of my friends cooked the recipe I gave! Ayam percik yang digemari ramai katanya!!! Hahahaha. Thanks Jels for believing in me (feeling Oscar winner tetiba!) Oh by the way, Jels is the owner of The Jellikids. Follow The Jellikids on Facebook!

Ohhhh this is how her ayam percik looks like. Looking tempting and more delicious than mine!
Full pic... Terang gambarnya. Dia nilah yang suruh guna DSLR...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Inventing the new recipe...

Hmmm... It's been more than a week I didn't logged-on to my blog.  Been busy with the boy's graduation night sponsorship (pat on my shoulder for getting a sponsorship for this event!   SPA vouchers worth RM900 under Amil's contribution! Weeeehoooo!!!), scouting for primary schools, invitations etc. Yesterday, invented the new recipe. Easy, fast, delicious... The ingredients pun tak remeh and sangat economic. I called it kuih/ apam/ kek coklat kukus... The taste was not bad. Hubby and the boys love it!

This is how it looked like in the steamer. Check out yang belah kanan-depan. A bit tinggi than the rest sebab tertuang the admixture lebih dalam acuan... ;-p
Ini lepas keluarkan dari cup acuan... Bahagian atas belum cukup masak so I had to steam it for another 5 minutes...
Haaa! Yang ni dah siap. Saja letak kelapa kukus so it looks more traditional... ;-)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I'm sooooooo happy that I managed to improve the Apam Kukus Gula Hangus look finally! Baked it (again) for breakfast and tea time. The taste is better too! Yabedabedooooo!!!

The Apam - fresh from the steamer...
Bulatan penuh yang tak senget-benget.
Looks better than the first one!
My piece... ;-p

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Zzzzz... I wish!

Sunday! What a lazy day of the week! Forced my lazy-a** out of bed anyways. Did I mention how fabulous Saturday I had yesterday? Spent 4 hours at the spa! Been pampered from head-to-toe... Awe-to-the-some! ;-p This morning sent the Apam Kukus Gula Hangus to Kak Za (another first attempt achievement) and went for a walk. At the jogging track, one Chinese auntie said to me 'hey you dressed like you're going to a party to walk!'... Errrr... I was wearing my shocking pink satin sleepwear (pretty much looking like boyfriend's shirt actually *and I never in a million years wear something like this to party for fashionista sake!*) with tights and of course the-red-pumps! Couldn't find any good walking shoes yesterday. Lantaklah, as long as am comfortable in it. I am different anyway kan?! Hmmm gotta sambung my sleep sekejap before my busy day begin. Cheerios!

This is how it looks like before cutting... Blurgh! I think it looks better in real. This pic, hmm... I need DSLR!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Queen in the red pumps!

Ahhhhh Saturday! I just love today. Everybody gathers at home. Am the QUEEN of the house. Yeah... Weekend is the time for me to be treated like a real Majestic. Done my walk this morning... Excited to see the group of Asoh and Apek doing their tai-chi to the soothing traditional Chinese music. Gonna be nice to them. Who knows I can join them too! Love the weather today too! Was wondering what to send to Kak Za this morning. Finally decided to make the 'kuih-pulut-apa-ntah-nama-dia' and 'cucuk-cucuk' again. Alamak! Just realized that I ran out of the banana leaves. At last, I wrapped it with the small plastic (which actually looks better and more hygienic). OKlah... Gotta get ready now. Hitting the SPA later ya'll! Gonna scout for new walking shoes too later if the time permits. Stilettos era's OVER!? ;-( 

Have a fabulous weekend!

I cut the small plastic into two pieces.
Here's the outcome!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ratu Pulut Kayangan Kembali!

It's fly-day! Bestnya esok cuti!!! Time to rest - can't wait to go to the SPA tomorrow! Oh yeah self indulgence. I think I deserve a gooood rest. Gonna do facial, body scrub and sauna. Kalau cukup masa, nak buat hair treatment sekali. Woohoo life's GREAT! Alhamdulillah this morning I obtained another achievement! *Kembang*. Berjaya buat 'kuih-pulut-apa-ntah-nama-dia'. Tapi memang jadi dan rasanya sodap! The only challenge was the daun pisang yang beli kat Tesco semalam, a bit keras. Susah nak wrap the pulut. Teringat kat the Indian akka kat Tesco tu suruh I plant my own banana tree sebab I said the price is higher than Mydin. Adoi akka nasib baik you kerja timbang-timbang buah kat Tesco and you cute so saya takmau complain sama akka! ;)

Haaaa... Inilah rupa 'kuih-pulut-apa-ntah-nama-dia' tu... Memula guna scoop acuan, so it will look seimbang. Tapi asyik melekat aje so I just scoop with the small senduk instead...
Ini bila dah wrap with banana leave...
This is my popular 'cucuk-cucuk'. An-everyday-must-have at Kak Za's. Anak dia confirm booking 4 cucuk sehari. Hehehehe...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Habis licin!

Woke up this morning with a big smile on my face. Staring at the boys deep-sleep-face and Alhamdulillah God still give me a chance to breathe. I'm blessed! Started the day with a positive mind. Sent the breakfast to Kak Za, sent the boys to school and ran some errands at Mydin and back home. Parked the car on the side way instead of the porch. Jumped out from the car and start walking at the playground in my new red pumps - yeah not in sneakers (didn't plan for a brisk walking!). While walking, my mind keeps thinking about the long 'whatsapp' with my BFF Liza last night. The conversation was about how great is our life that sometimes we didn't even realize it. God has planned everything for us. We just need to be grateful and don't ever compare ourselves to others. However, all the effort of walking-a-mile-in-the-red-pumps went down the drain coz' the temptation of nasi lemak lauk daging dendeng I bought from Bukit Jelutong just can't be resisted! Damn! There goes my dream to have a curvy-Brazilian-model-body! Dream! Dream! Dream! Hahahaha... But one thing for sure, my first attempt of baking the Kek Sarang Semut a.k.a Kek Gula Hangus menjadi and sold out with more request!

Oh ya! Today's ayah's birthday! He's sweet 63 today but he always look as young as the first time I saw his face 30 something years ago! The time I was brought into the world laaa... My dad is so awet muda! Called him (as usual) to share the happiness and to wish him Happy Birthday. I will always remember how he raised me and his advises. To him, happiness is not all about being wealthy or rich. It's all come from heart. Hati mesti bersih in whatever we do. We don't need to look perfect in people's eyes but in Allah's eyes that matter. Ikhlas, tidak menghina, hormat dan merendah diri. May God give my dad a good health always. I love my AYAH forever!

Should've listen to my friend to use DSLR to take pictures... Tapi takpelah, kek ni laku dan licin! ;-p

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 2: Breakfast in Kayangan

Ohhhhh I was so pissed this morning! Hajat nak buat kuih kertas/ getas molek-molek tak kesampaian. The kuih fried perfectly. The color was beautiful dan rasanya rangup tapi melekat to each other bila I tossed 'em in the container. Patutnya kena asing-asingkan bila masih panas. Sigh subuh-subuh dah moody! But it's ok, I guess this is the challenge. Well, go on and challenge me kuih! *still bengang*. Terus text my friend Rafidah who was also from a corporate world yang dah mencuba pelbagai bidang dan 'terjun' ke food industry sekarang. Dia pun apa lagi, terus share all recipes she have (I requested for the easiest one of course). Finally we both burst into big laughter - yeah in the very early morning. Yelah dulu cerita pasal key-accounts, legal action, AR collection, hiring/ firing staff but now? We talk about masak-masak! Hahaha... A few minutes after that another friend of mine Liza called. The same story been told. Being my best friend, she shared the tips camana nak kasi kuih kertas tu tak melekat and gave me other 'easy' recipes too. The conversation went on for almost an hour. Dok pasang stratergy macamana nak kembangkan business. Nak buat catering for event laa, provide goodie bag for parties laa, manufacturing frozen food laa... Pendek kata nak sampai peringkat antarabangsa! Eh jangan gelakkan kami dan ini bukan angan-angan Mat Jenin hockay! Coz' we both used to be the OKS (Orang Kaya Sekejap) sebab ligat buat food business ni once upon a sweet-time ago... Tak mustahil kami boleh sekarang! Well that's what good friends are for kan? Tempat kita mengadu nasib dan bertukar pendapat? Am so blessed to have these quality people around me. Anyway, lepas all the incident and the-almost-teary-morning, berjaya jugak asingkan kuih-kuih tu. Dapatlah jugak hantar kat kakak tu untuk dijual. Harap-harap adalah orang yang sudi beli *doa kuat-kuat* or bak kata omputih *keep your fingers crossed!*

GOD please give me the strength! Inilah rupanya kuih kertas yang melekat to each other! 
Kalau korang, tak nangis?
Gagahkan jugak hati snap gambar dalam gelap. Tak molek pun, eatable jugak...

Hoping for a better day tomorrow... Amin!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Masak, Makan, Exercise!

This clip is hilarious! But it's really-really good! Arghhhh 'bercinta' nak start!

New Project: Breakfast

Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah datang dalam pelbagai cara. God is fair. Rezeki doesn't mean come from monetary form tapi juga cabang-cabang perniagaan. I always remember this quote: 'Perniagaan itu Ibadah'. Yesterday morning, I had an 'offer' from the kakak yang jual breakfast kat Sunway Kayangan to provide any kuih-muih in the morning. I see it as an opportunity for me to earn more pocket money (well... Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit). Also, to full-fill my time at home... Yelah ramai dok ingat I'm a Woman-of-leisure sebab tak kerja pun boleh pakai macam-macam. Hmmm mulut orang takleh nak tutup. They don't know if I have a Million Dollars in my bank account ke, I married to Multi Billionaire ke, inherit harta pusaka datuk nenek macam Paris Hilton ke... Hehehehe I wish! Sebab I never show who I really am and whatever you see is not always what you get! Anyhow, am grateful to have a good family and a super great husband! Alhamdulillah, syukur Ya Allah!

OK, menceceh macam mak nenek pulak. This morning I made Chicken Deli Sandwiches and Chicken Cocktail + Crab Ball. Kakak tu kata bahan-bahan dalam sandwich I tu mewah. Adoi kak... Kalau tak, orang makan tak puas. INGAT! Berniaga itukan Ibadah? Takmolah cincai-cincai... Malam kang nak kena pi Tesco beli sandwich box. Semalam lupa beli. Here's the pic. Sorrylah tak clear sebab sibuk nak prepare yang lain pulak.

TODAY: 5 years after Ibu passed away... Al-Fatihah untuk Ibu, you'll always be missed and loved!

What's Cookin'?

Hello puan-puan... Apa khabar? Dah masak? Ok now I sound like Chef Wan! Hahaha... Well cooking is my  new passion. I cooked (trial and error of-course) and I also sell the food I cooked. Alhamdulillah, I received many good feedbacks from the customers. You know what? My new hobby now become my new 'career'. Yes, am catering the dessert, kuih-muih and lunch set as well - Only by self pick-up (for now). Here are some of the pictures of my cooking. Happy viewing and enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

My first Ayam Perchik! Lazat sehingga menjilat pinggan!
Nasi Serai + Grilled Chicken + Kuah Perchik + Salad 
Chicken Chop for lunch... Well, for a change. Fed up asyik makan nasi aje!

My Sexy Smoothy

Doncha wanna take a sip?!
So yummy!
A mixture of strawberry fresh milk, crimson grapes, Cadbury strawberry yoghurt, 
Toblerone white chocolate & banana...
Our favourite smoothy!
A combination of choc fresh milk, berries, banana, mango, 
Oreo and Toblerone dark chocolate!

Sexy Dessert!

This is my first attempt and surprisingly menjadi uols! I catered the dessert to one of the kakak's stall during Ramadhan 2011 @ Sunway Kayangan Food Bazaar. Here goes...

Sago Gula Melaka 
This is HOT selling!
Nescafe Fruit Cocktail Pudding
My late mom's recipe... If only she's still here, she would be happy to see her anak manja actually can cook! 
Jelly Koko
Kids favourite!
Milky Lychee
First time making it and walla! *KEMBANG MAK*
Yang ni bukan category dessert. Tapi laku jugaklah!
Nasi Serai with Ayam Perchik + Salad
Drooling while typing this ;-p
Pulut Durian
Crayzee orders for this one!
Pulut Mangga with Santan
Hub's favourite!
Puteri Mandi
Ayah bagi recepi my late Onyang. But I add the kaler-kaler kasi cantik! ;-D
Pulut Tetal with Kaya A.K.A Pulut AVATAR
Choco Fruity Trifle
Classic Donut
Buat minum petang. Minum dengan kopi panas, TERANGKAT!
Choco Orange Donut
For the kids of course!
 Kuih Buah Melaka
Orang noghori panggil kuih kelepung. Some call it Kuih Onde-onde... 
Agar-Agar Santan Gula Melaka with Telur
Golden Tauhu Sumbat with more sayur!