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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rerama Chenta...

Sunny Sunday morning! Rupanya hujan di petang hari... Ewah! Pagi-pagi lagi dah busy with Anwar-si-pemotong-rumput and then was out for the whole day. Hajat dihati nak ke Mont Kiara cari evening dress for the upcoming events tapi ter'lencong' ke Citta Mall for lunch. Errr... Brunch actually as we skipped our breakfast this morning. Gara-gara busy tengok Anwar-si-pemotong-rumput buat kerja (alasan aje, sebenarnya malas nak prepare!) After the brunch, tersasar pulak ke Nilai 3 to find my lil' sister in-law's barakah for her Nikah Night - sebenarnya boleh je pergi yang kat Klang tapi tak best sebab dekat sangat! Arrived Nilai 3 about 3pm. Went shopping alone while the boys and hub took a nice nap in the car with full blast air-condition. Yeah... I walked a mile under the sizzling hot sun - alone! But I kinda prefer that way though. Kalau jalan ramai-ramai lagi susah nak cari barang... Really had no idea what to find at first. Was figuring out what the bride-to-be's favourite stuff and I remember that she obsessed with butterflies and I stick to that idea... Thank God semua kedai I went in, bagi layanan yang sangat bagus - ada satu kedai sampai 5 orang dok melayan. The only challenge was the kedai yang jual butterflies tu. The pakcik sekejap bagi murah pastu changed his mind bagi mahal balik. Siap claimed the butterflies made by the OKUs. Kesian pulak mendengarnya tapi tadi pakcik dah janji kan nak kasi harga yang ini (sambil tunjuk kat calculator)... After some bodeking and puji pakcik tu handsome, he finally agreed with my price - 45% discount! Allah aje yang boleh balas jasa pakcik handsome tu! ;-p Reached home about 6pm. Prepared light dinner, did some revision with the boys, took shower, start potong ribbon and gam-menggam. As usual, I always have problem with my new gadget - the glue gun this time around. Dia tembak at my finger instead of the ribbon. Agaknye dia tak dapat bezakan antara jari dengan kain. Kesian... Anyway, we get along really well after that. Biasalah tak kenal maka tak cinta! Hehehehe...
These are the 'bahan-bahan mentah' yang masih belum di buka... 
Dah unwrap sebahagian...
Nasib baik she loves butterflies. Kalau ulat bulu ke, lipan ke, tikus ke, kan ke jenuh nak cari!?
The butterflies... Ada 3 colors: Baby Pink, Magenta and Purple. Kalau ada blue color lagi 'naik'
Butterflies yang masih 'bertangkai'
Yang ni free gift! Beli rama-rama dapat dia...
Antara yang dah siap... 110 more to go!
I'm actually not a big fan of English flowers printed tapi in this scenario, the symbolic is rama-rama tengah hisap madu bunga laaa konon...
I also don't fancy love shape. Tapi the combination of love, butterflies and ribbon  macam sepadan.... 
Ribbon tu selain dari taknak kasi container tu nampak kosong (and I don't want it to look crowded either), it means ikatan kasih/ cinta antara dua hati... Chewah! Jiwang dimalam2 hari ni! *Part nak gam ribbon ni paling leceh!*
Really hope the bride-to-be loves this idea...

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